Create Easy DIY With Your Shoe Boxes

Do you have shoe boxes stored in your storeroom? Don’t throw them away! 

Shoe Boxes are surely perfect for DIYs. It is so easy to reuse and there are so many things that can be made by this.

Elegant Creators are happy to share different beautiful products that are made from shoe boxes.

Shoe Box Picnic Basket

What you need:

How to:

  • Cover the shoe box with a fabric, cover it just like when you are wrapping a gift.
  • Put some glue on every edge of the fabric for a secure coverage.
  • Stick two ribbons on the box, starting at the bottom of the box and attaching up toward the top edge of the box and wrapping back down the opposite side, back down to the bottom. 
  • Leave 1″ of ribbon not adhered so the lid fits on correctly.
  • Wrap another piece of ribbon and stick it around the front to back of the box, overlapping the first ribbon, near the top.
  • Tie it into a pretty ribbon.
  • Lastly wrap the top cover of the shoe box with a fabric or handkerchief and a fabric glue.

Cable Organizer


What you need:

How to:

  • Wrap the inside and outside of the shoe box with decorative wrapping paper.
  • Make sure that you properly wrap the box. You can pick a wrapping paper that has a repetitive pattern so that you can just keep adding paper scraps to cover up all the imperfections.
  • Wrap also the top cover of the box.
  • Decide how many sections you want for your organizer or how many cords you want to fit in before dividing your cardboard.
  • Make sure that you measured correctly the width and length of your cardboard so that it’ll fit in the box.
  • Cut slits halfway up each for them to fit together.
  • Cover the cardboard dividers with the wrapping paper and re-cut the slits.
  • Put them all together inside the box.
  • You can put a label on each dividers to identify the cords.

Shoe Box Lantern

By Ryan Reed (

What you need:

How to:

  • Using the Craft knife cut and remove the left side of the shoe box.
  • When it’s done you can cut some holes, patterns or shapes on the box.
  • Paint the whole box with spray paint any color will do.
  • Using the Vellum paper, cover the holes of the box, place it inside the box and use masking tape to keep it in place.
  • Place the LED puck light inside the box.

Storage Drawers


What you need:

How to:

  • First paint the shoe box with any color you want using the acrylic paint and paintbrush.
  • Let it dry.
  • Cut out strips in the leather that were 2.5 * 13 cm. Use a ruler and cut close to the ruler, and it will be straight.
  • Using a sharp object, make a hole on the leather at both ends.
  • Using a sharp object, make a hole in the middle of the top cover of the shoe box.
  • Fold the piece of leather in the middle and stuck in the double rivet from both sides of the lid.
  • Hammer together the rivet so it fastened.

Let me know your thoughts below in the comment section, will you try this?

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