There are so many ideas and things you can make using Paper Plates. You can simply create these innovative objects by following the instructions below.
Elegant Creators encourage you to try and have fun with these easy DIYs ideas using Paper Plates by different creators, we’re sure that you can make these simple steps, creating a beautiful craft.
Paper Plate Dream Catcher
What you need:
- Paper plates
- Scissors
- Acrylic Paint
- Paint brushes
- Yarn
- Hot Glue stick
- Glue Gun
- Feathers (optional)
- Beads (optional)
- Sequins (optional)
How to:
- First draw a circle on the middle of the paper plate, then cut it using scissors, creating a big hole.
- Paint the paper plates with any color you want.
- Put a glue on the top back of the paper plate and attach the end point of your yarn, stick it forming a hook, so you can hang your dream catcher.
- Following the pattern of the image above, use yarn and glue, weave a star-like pattern in the hole you created on the paper plate.
- Glue it at the back of the paper plate to make the front look tidy.
- Cut long pieces of yarn and hang it in the bottom of the dream catcher using glue, creating long strips of dangling yarns.
- You can add feathers, dangling beaded yarn or any other sequins that you would like for your dream catcher.
Paper Plate Organizer
What you need:
How to:
- First cut one of the paper plates (two thirds-one third)
- Align the full paper plate with the cut plate and punch holes through both plates
- Using wool and needle stitch through the holes to secure both plates together
- From a face on the front of your paper plate using a craft paper, marker and glue.
- Attach a length of wool to hang your Paper Plate Organizer.
Paper Plate Unicron Frame
What you need:
How to:
- Remove the edges of the 2 paper plates to form an equal sized circle.
- Layout a circle in the middle of the 1st cutted paper plate, and then using the craft knife cut out your layout.
- You can paint the paper plates of any color you want.
- Glue the paper plate together, make sure to stick the 2nd cutted paper plate from the bottom. Do Not Stick its upper part, you need to insert your photo from here.
- Cut out a rectangle shape from the left scrapes, after cutting fold it in half. This will be your frame stand.
- Stick the stano behind the frame.
- Next cut out a unicorn horn and other few decorations from your glitter paper and glue it on the frame.
- You can now insert your favorite photo in your pretty frame.
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