Easy DIY Using Cans

These days you can now reuse Cans in a creative way. Maybe you already know that some people use these to create DIYs. Why? Well, it is because you can easily find Cans in your house or at the market.

Elegant Creators love to share several creative DIYs using Cans, from different creators!

Can Vase

By sweetpaulmag.com

What you need:

How to:

  • Paint the cans with any color you want using the Oil based paint. Let it dry.
  • When the first paint is dry, paint it again with 2 or 3 coats using the craft paint.
  • Let it dry again.
  • Glue the 8” rod into the bottom, in the middle part of the inside of the largest can using epoxy glue
  • Glue the second can on the top of the 8” rod.
  • Glue the 5” rod into the bottom, in the middle part of the second can.
  • Then glue the third can on the top of the 5” rod.
  • Let the cans dry completely before you place the flowers

Cookie Tin

By Allyson (thegraphicsfairy.com)

What you need:

How to:

  • First, paint the tin can using the spray paint with any color you want. Do not paint the inside of the cans, so that it’ll be safe as a food storage.
  • Let it dry
  • Once the paint dry, use the Oil Based Paint and paint brush to add more design on your Can, it is up to you of what decorations you want for your Cookie Tin.
  • Don’t forget to paint and decorate the lid of the Can. Let it dry.
  • You can also add some stickers on the Can depending on what design you have in mind.
  • Glue the mini wooden knob on the lid of the \can to add more design to your Cookie Tin.

Can Luminaries

By blog.consumercrafts.com/

What you need:

How to:

  • Coat the Tin Cans with mod podge outdoors to preserve the paint you’ll use for your Can and then let it dry.
  • Once the mod podge dry, paint your Tin Can with any color you want. Let the paint dry.
  • Using Crop-A-Dile Punches, punch some holes on your Tins Can, you can decide where to put holes on your Can.
  • Now you can put a Battery operated tealight candle inside the Tin Cans or LED string lights, it’s up to you.
  • You can also create this as a hanging light, just create a handle using the 18 Gauge Silver Wire.
  • On the side of your can create a hole, then insert the wire.
  • Using Flat Nosed Pliers wrap the wire around for a clean look.

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